Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Laughing Lemon: November

My friends and I attended another "What's In Season" class from Laughing Lemon in November. As always, it was extremely informative and the food delicious. Thanks Jack and Silvia!

Some things I learned:

- soaking sliced brussel sprouts in water for about an hour before cooking makes them taste so much better. Anise or fennel make them taste milder and also aid digestion.
- persimmon: you can simply press the soft ones through a sieve and have an instant sauce. Yum!
- soaking cavelo nero (black kale) in salted water makes the tiny white moths fall off

lots of funky roots to try: ugly but tasty

my cooking friends getting their hands dirty

loads of butter for frying...

frying up potato cakes in the aforementioned enormous amount of melted butter

potato cakes all puffed up after a few minutes in the oven

salsify, aka "winter asparagus"

salad with persimmon, feta, red onion, pine nuts, and vanilla vinaigrette

main dish: roasted veggies, glazed salsify, kale and potato cake

pretty French style apple pie (with crème fraîche) for dessert


Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

yum, those potato cakes look awesome!!

Jenna said...

Just looking at this post makes me hungry and excited for our next What's in Season!

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

oooh, yum. I definitely have to take one of those seasonal cooking lessons at Laughing Lemon!

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